
Meter test


  1. Download and install the latest release or beta version of the cFos Charging Manager.
  2. Make sure that your inverter or meter is accessible in the home network and that you know the IP address and port. For Modbus TCP, you also need the slave ID.
  3. Open the cFos Charging Manager website in the browser by entering e.g. localhost:4712. Then open the "System Configuration" page and activate Meter Test. Enter e.g. SunSpec or SMA Inverter as the device type. As Address and ID, enter the address with which you can reach your inverter or meter. Some devices require additional parameters, which you should also set if necessary.

We would be very interested to know what output the cFos Charging Manager provides.

By the way: Many additional devices, such as solar energy managers or storage units also work with the SunSpec, so they may also run with the cFos Charging Manager. You are also welcome to send us the output from such devices.

Instead of "SunSpec Solar Inverter", you can also try the following unit types, for example:

  • E3/DC Solar Device (Simple Mode)
  • SMA Inverter
  • SMA Home Manager
  • Solar Log
  • Powerfox
  • Shelly 3EM
  • Sonnen... (various)

Then you can see if the cFos Charging Manager is compatible with your inverter.

Thank you for trying!
You are helping us and other owners of solar systems and energy storage devices.

Successfully tested inverters / meters

Note: The EVSEs or meters have been tested with the software version of the respective manufacturer specified in the tables. We do not guarantee that the manufacturer will change the functionality through a software update or model update in such a way that the interoperability with the cFos Charging Manager or cFos Power Brain Wallbox is no longer given. You can ask the respective manufacturer whether the functionality still corresponds to the status indicated in our table.

Alternatively, you can download the free test version of the cFos Charging Manager for Windows or Raspberry Pi and test for yourself whether the respective device is compatible.

InverterSoftware status
Inverters can also be integrated as generation meters. Many inverters support SunSpec, i.e. you can use SunSpec Solar Inverter / Meter as the meter type. This also applies to the grid reference meters / smart meters installed in solar systems. Here is a selection of devices tested by our customers. Similar devices will probably also work. Note: Fronius, Kostal and SMA have very good SunSpec support. This means that if the manufacturer specifies SunSpec for the model of inverter, smart meter or battery storage system, it should work well with the cFos Charging Manager. Please report successfully tested devices to us and we will add them to the list here.
E3/DC GmbH, S10 E AIO Blackline (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
E3/DC GmbH, S10 X Compact (Modbus)09/2023
Fronius, Smart Meter 63A, 2.9 (SunSpec Model 213)02/2022
Fronius, Smart Meter TS 63A (SunSpec Model 213)12/2021
Fronius, Smart Meter TS 65A-3, 1.3 (SunSpec Model 213)12/2021
Fronius, Symo 12.5-3-M, (SunSpec Model 113)12/2021
Fronius, Symo 8.2-3-M (SunSpec Model 113)12/2021
Fronius, Symo 15.0-3-M (Sunspec Model 113)12/2021
Fronius, Symo GEN24 8.0 (Sunspec Model 103+BAT)06/2023
Fronius, Primo 5.0-1 (Sunspec Model 111)12/2021
KOSTAL, Piko 1005/2023
KOSTAL, PLENTICORE plus4.2, 01.15.04581 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
KOSTAL, PLENTICORE plus7.0, 01.09.03412 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
KOSTAL, PLENTICORE plus8.5, 01.17.05075 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
KOSTAL, PLENTICORE plus10, 01.14.04213 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
KOSTAL, KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter, 1.1.2 (SunSpec Model 203)12/2021
KOSTAL, KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter, 1.3.0 (SunSpec Model 203)12/2021
KOSTAL, Powermeter05/2023
KACO new energy, blueplanet 5.0 TL3, V5.53, 1.0 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
KACO new energy, blueplanet 10.0 TL3 INT, V5.53 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
SolarEdge SE5000, 0003.2468 (SunSpec Model 101)12/2021
SolarEdge SE7K, 0003.2251 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
SolarEdge SE9K-RW0TEBNN4, 0004.0011.0030 (SunSpec Model 103)12/2021
SolarEdge SE16K-RW000BNN4, 0004.0014.0107 (SunSpec Model 103)03/2022
SolarEdge Netzbezugszähler (SunSpec Model 203) Liefert teilweise falsche Werte, lieber anderen bidirektionen Zähler benutzen.06/20232
Sungrow Hybrid Inverter ARM_SAPPHIRE-H_V (SunSpec Model 101)07/2022
SMA: SMA Sunny Tripower (STPxx000-tl) devices have an SMA-specific Modbus register assignment. Some also support SunSpec (see above). Here are devices successfully tested by our customers:
SMA Sunny Tripower 4.012/2021
SMA Sunny Tripower 10.012/2021
SMA Sunny Tripower 9000tl-2012/2021
SMA Sunny Tripower 15000tl-3012/2021
SMA Sunny Tripower 20000tl-3012/2021
SMA Tripower 8.0 STP8-3AV-4012/2021
SMA Sunny Boy12/2021
Sunny Home Manager 2.0 (as grid reference meter)12/2021
Sunny Island 4.412/2021
Other devices (see also the meter definition created by our customers #diebestenuserderwelt):
Huawei Sun2000 Inverter01/2022
SENEC (via HTTP)06/2023
Sonnen Zähler (Batteriespeicher, Erzeugung und Verbrauch)12/2021
Sungrow (Wechelrichter, Batteriespeicher)05/2023
Victron (diverse)09/2023
Varta Element S405/2023

You can integrate these with the latest version of the cFos Charging Manager as a producer meter without an extra intermediate meter.

Note: If it is not possible to read your solar system, you can always have an external intermediate meter installed by an electrician, which either measures the generation of the solar system ("Generation" role) or a bi-directional intermediate meter at the transfer point of the energy supplier, with which you then measure the grid supply or feed-in ("Grid supply" role). You can also contact us and together we can try to integrate your solar system. We have already installed support for many a device with the help of our users, #diebestenuserderwelt:-)

Here are instructions on how to integrate various devices into the cFos Charging Manager.

Thank you for testing EVSEs and meters to:

Adrian A. | Alexander B. | Andreas M. | Axel S. | Benedict S. | Berger Stromversorungen | Chris B. | Detlef K. | energielenker | Frank M. | Get It Done | Guido S. | Hendrik J. | Horst A. | Jan H. | Jonas D. | Jürgen F. | Klaus S. | Manuel G. | Marco L. | Marco T. | Markus K. | Martin S. | Matthias S. | Max H. | MaXx | Michael S. | MMS Communication | René P. | Simon K. | Stefan E. | Thomas B. |

Wir haben #diebestenuserderwelt:
Our customers help us a great deal in testing meters and other devices, providing us with important information, suggestions for improvement and, last but not least, finding errors.